Natsuko Godai: Best Of Best
atalog No. SRCL-5099
JAN 4988009509990
Number of discs 1
Item weight 120g
Label/Distributor Sony Records
A 'best-of' compilation of Natsuko Godai with all of her singles from her debut song 'Modori Gawa'
up to her latest hit 'Tsukumozaka.' (as of May 2001), It is her 15th anniversary of her debut this year.
01. 九十九坂
02. はまなす酒場
03. 風待ち湊
04. 港恋唄
05. 憂愁平野
06. 鳴門海峡
07. 北の舟唄
08. 女のひとりごと
09. ひとり酒
10. 恋ざんげ
11. 雪中花
12. 恋挽歌
13. 忍ぶ雨
14. 水なし川
15. 戻り川
16. 夏子音頭