6《陈家昆 - 妳是一段特别的留白 Infatuated For You》2005
01. 陪我走过四季的春风 The Spring Breeze that walks me Through the Four Seasons [0:07:59.22]
02. 你是一段特别的留白 Infatuated For You [0:10:13.53]
03. 假装你一直没有离开 like you had never left [0:08:28.12]
04. 值得等待的船 A Ship Worth Waiting for [0:08:04.35]
05. 弦弓的思念 Longing of the Chord [0:06:58.42]
06. 梦里的秋千 The Swing in the Dream [0:09:24.02]
07. 谁在红尘里等待 Who is Waiting in the World of Mortals [0:04:59.00]
08. 醉成午夜独舞的弦 The Chord,Drunk and Dancing Solo at Midnight [0:04:30.36]