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[纯音乐] The Runestone - David Newman (1990) (FLAC)

发表于 2019-11-19 21:12:06 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 bobbysu 于 2023-8-22 17:17 编辑

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A Norse Runestone is discovered in Western Pennsylvania. The prophecy upon it tells of the Norse great wolf Fenrir (Fenris), and that its release from the stone will bring about Ragnarok --- the end of the world. Archaeologist Sam Stewart and wife Marla find it has some connection to their friend Martin. A young boy named Jacob is haunted by terrifying nightmares of what is to come, and his family explains these dreams through stories from Norse legend, which says that the only one who can destroy Fenrir is Tyr, the Norse god of war, who is prophesied to return to fight the creature.

1. Prologue [1:35]
2. Main Title/Discovery [1:32]
3. The Runestone Travels [1:53]
4. Holy Christ! [0:27]
5. The Voices First Appear [1:15]
6. The Voices' Second Appearance [0:25]
7. Martin Possessed [1:51]
8. What Do You Want? [1:14]
9. Supernatural Romance [2:54]
10. The Keys [2:10]
11. No Turning Back Part 1 [0:29]
12. No Turning Back Part 2/What The Hell Was That? [0:47]
13. Second Killing [3:22]
14. Fenrir [0:16]
15. Martin Collects Himself [0:42]
16. Martin Grabs Maria [1:45]
17. Martin Is Crazy [1:42]
18. Marla Visits Hagstrom [0:24]
19. No Atheists In Foxholes [2:20]
20. Marla Escapes Fenrir [3:57]
21. Heavy Petting [2:54]
22. Bingo! [0:49]
23. The Shadow [0:16]
24. Tyr [0:37]
25. To The Mine [1:06]
26. The Party [4:01]
27. Slaughters At An Exhibition [1:41]
28. Entering Society [1:09]
29. Sigvaldson To The Rescue [0:35]
30. Nightmare [0:08]
31. Jakomin [1:12]
32. Fenrir vs. Officer Newman [2:28]
33. Battle: Round One [1:38]
34. Fenrir Is Held Back [2:56]
35. Sigvalson Offers Assistance [1:28]
36. Persuasive Eyes [0:30]
37. That's Enough [2:44]
38. Fenrir Reigns Terror [1:41]
39. Jacob Gets The Axe/Sigvaldson & Fenrir Reunited [3:26]
40. Jacob Brings The Axe [1:27]
41. Final Battle [2:13]
42. They Kill Fenrir/Final Scene [3:23]
43. End Credits [2:55]

https://mega.nz/#!w7QzQaLC!uPM8e ... InzMeJeQVlfDR_57CvY


参与人数 2金钱 +40 收起 理由
elong123 + 20 赞一个!
bobbysu + 20 赞一个!


发表于 2019-11-20 06:40:30 | 显示全部楼层
感謝分享 The Runestone (OST)
发表于 2019-11-20 08:55:08 | 显示全部楼层
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