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[纯音乐] 欣賞:Marc Anthony - I Need To Know

发表于 2007-11-14 11:53:01 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

Jennifer Lopez and Marc Anthony

被譽為全球最暢銷的騷沙藝人,擁有一張多白金同名英文專輯Marc Anthony,同時參與保羅賽門Paul Simon百老匯音樂劇the Capeman及馬汀史科西斯電影Bringing Out the Dead,他受歡迎的程度,從5場麥迪遜花園廣場售罄演唱會可見一般。他完美流暢的聲音表現,讓紐約時報the New York Times以「騷沙天王Reigning King Of Salsa」的封號及「流行樂界20世紀無人能出其右」來形容他在音樂上的表現。
  在90年代末期的拉丁風潮中,馬克安東尼一直是個堅持自我的歌手,雖然這位在紐約哈林長大的波多黎各裔歌手,從小耳濡目染的是節奏藍調與搖滾,認為騷沙音樂並不是是自己演藝事業的典型。他的歌唱事業是從一家Club中以英文演唱舞曲開始,他的歌聲為他帶來了許多各地表演的機會,同時也擔任其他歌手的合聲,但這一切並沒有為他的演唱事業帶來太多的突破,直到他在一次遇然的機會中聽見了Hasta Que Vuelvas Conmigo這首歌曲,才啟發了他對演唱騷沙音樂的興趣。這個突破性的腳步,令他的演藝生命涯猶如飛機一般的漸登高峰,演藝觸角也伸向了全球各地。
  99年他推出了同名英語專輯Marc Anthony,專輯一上市,即登上了Billboard專輯排行第8名的位置,單曲I need To Know也在流行單曲排行前10名上停留了11個星期之久。

I Need To Know

They say around the way you've asked for me
there's even talk about you wanting me
I must admit that's what I wanna hear
But thats just talk until you take me there, oh
If it's true don't leave me all alone out here
Wonderin' if you're ever gonna take me there
Tell Me What you're feelin' cuz I need to Know
Girl you gotta let me know which way to go

Cuz I Need to Know
I need to know
Tell Me Babygirl cuz I need to know
I need to know
I need to know
Tell me Babygirl cuz I need to know

My every thought is of this being true
It's getting harder not to think of you
Girl I'm exactly where I wanna be
The only things I need you here with me, oh
If it's true don't leave me all alone out here
Wonderin' if you're ever gonna take me there
Tell Me What you're feelin' cuz I need to Know
Girl you gotta let me know which way to go

Cuz I Need to Know
I need to know
I need to know
I need to know
Tell me baby girl cuz I need to know

If it's true don't leave me all alone out here
Wonderin' if you're ever gonna take me there
Tell Me What you're feelin' cuz I need to Know
Girl you gotta let me know which way to go

Cuz I Need to Know
I need to know
I need to know
I need to know
Tell me baby girl cuz I need to know
I need to know
I need to know

Tell me baby girl cuz I need to knowIf it's true don't leave me all alone out here
Wonderin' if you're ever gonna take me there
Tell Me What you're feelin' cuz I need to Know
Girl you gotta let me know which way to go

Cuz I Need to Know
I need to know
Tell me baby girl cuz I need to know
I need to know
I need to know
Tell me baby girl cuz I need to know

发表于 2007-11-14 12:13:13 | 显示全部楼层
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