这首英文歌Liberty是他于1987年发表的第三枚单曲,Minnie Shady作词,吉田美奈子作曲。这首歌显然是比较受到认可的作品,两次收录在鈴木雅之的Martini系列里。作为日本曲风比较洋气的男歌手之一,鈴木雅之的英文发音并不地道,可以说是形不到而神到。另外值得注意的是,吉田美奈子为单曲版本编曲,也参与了和声(她的声音很容易就听出来了)。今天选取的是混音的版本,编曲更加豪奢,尤其是Background Voice几乎贯彻乐曲的始终,这也是Martini系列的特色的体现。
歌词(偶尔也给gai减减负嘛 ):
※Can you hear the voice of life
Ev'ry moment on your side
Do you hear the voice of life
Listen to the sound of liberty※
Someday you'll see in your life
The pain inside true love
It's like the rain on the day
You were waiting to see your best friend
But don't lose your heart
Keep the love just the way it is
Don't be afraid someday you can free
Your heart and love
Someday you'll feel in your hands
The power of liberty
It's like a stream at your feet
You never see
Till you're feeling down
So don't lose your faith
Take the love just the way you like it
And don't hesitate
Someday we'll free our soul with love
不妨听听后辈Crystal Kay的翻唱,不过珠玉在前嘛。