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[欧美金曲] 舒伯特 典藏版50cd 分轨 无损

发表于 2024-5-5 09:56:45 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
弗朗茨·泽拉菲库斯·彼得·舒伯特(德语:Franz Seraphicus Peter Schubert,1797年1月31日-1828年11月19日)是奥地利作曲家,他是早期浪漫主义音乐的代表人物,也被认为是古典主义音乐的最后一位巨匠。
舒伯特在短短31年的生命中,创作了600多首歌曲 ,18部歌剧、歌唱剧和配剧音乐,10部交响曲,19首弦乐四重奏,22首钢琴奏鸣曲 ,4首小提琴奏鸣曲以及许多其他作品。他为不少诗人如约翰·沃尔夫冈·歌德、弗里德里希·席勒、海因里希·海涅、威尔赫姆·穆勒等的作品写了大量歌曲,把音乐与诗歌紧密结合在一起。他的歌曲中既有抒情曲、叙事曲、充满战斗性的爱国歌曲,也有源于民间音乐的歌曲,其中重要的有《魔王》、《鳟鱼》、《菩提树》、《美丽的磨坊少女》、《野玫瑰》、《流浪者》(2首)、《普罗米修斯》、《致音乐》、《迷娘之歌》、《纺车旁的格丽卿》、《牧童的哀歌》、《战斗中的祈祷》、《剑之歌》、《战士之歌》等 , 主要歌曲汇有3部歌曲集 :《美丽的磨坊少女》、《冬之旅》和《天鹅之歌》。他的交响曲中较重要有第四、第五、第八、第九交响曲,其中第八交响曲是一部浪漫主义抒情交响曲,因只写了两个乐章而被称为《未完成交响曲》,第九交响曲气势磅礴,充满英勇豪迈的气概,被称为《伟大交响曲》。他的作品还有d小调弦乐四重奏《死与少女》、钢琴五重奏《鳟鱼》、C大调弦乐五重奏、钢琴曲《流浪者幻想曲》、《音乐的瞬间》、降E大调即兴曲、A大调奏鸣曲和配剧音乐《罗莎蒙德》等。舒伯特以抒情的旋律闻名,而且总是能够自然流露、浑然天成。
These CDs are a marvelous and representative collection of Schubert's works; while it does not claim to be a "complete" collection, it's the closest thing I've found on the market and with the exception of some incomplete (early)quartets, it wants for nothing. All the major works are brilliantly played, excellent Trout quintet, "Death of a Maiden" quartet, and some lesser known sonatinas as well as lovely Appegione sonata, to name just the most played. A huge bulk if not all, of his Leider and Masses and piano sonatas are also included. In general, there are about 2/3 orchestral/concerto/sonata works and 1/3 choral/vocal works (this is not an exact number as I don't have the box with me).
What I found amazing about this set is how consistently high the quality level remains (perhaps simply because it is a very smart collection of previously released EMI material), and what a pleasure it is to discover "new" Schubert music which on a global scale is always very lovely and with a sad component. There are happy moments too, but his apparent preference to write for the violin automatically weighs in the bulk of the music with a slightly melancholy feel. It's a wonderful complement to have with say, all the works of Mozart, who even at his saddest seemed to make only happy, regal, divine music. Schubert is emotional, but not shocking (i.e. not at all like Mahler), consistently good, and always a pleasure to listen to.
One little note though about the packaging; it is identical to the 50CD EMI release of the Beethoven works, which if you didn't see, the comment doesn't help - but just to be clear, the packaging is probably the down side to this set, but it's the only one. Anyway, the the 50CDs come in a standard white paper pouch with windows, no flaps, and no writing on them; there is however of course writing on the individual CDs themselves and also there is a booklet which explains in detail the artist and tracks of each CD. All in all, the outer covering is pretty fragile if you open/close this set often.
Overall, and in spite of its outer packaging - since it's the music that counts, it's a highly recommended treasure trove to discover the world of Schubert in all it's glory.
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发表于 2024-5-7 07:36:57 | 显示全部楼层
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